
My spiritual mantra....

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship."
- Romans 12:1

My hearts desire...

I pray that as years pass by, I may practice the life that you have laid upon me and that I will be a blessing  till’ eternity. I pray Father God that you will continue to mold me and change me, so I may fit into your wonderful glory. All my fears, depression and disappointments, use them for your praise O, God. Use them so others may see your power and strength. I pray that pardon for all my failures and stress, my faults and discontentment. I am but a sinner, O’ Lord. And I pray that you still love me and accept me, filthy as I am always and forever will be. But your love is unfailing and you wash away my sins. Your love is all I need to survive, your hopes are my hopes and your  promises are my ways towards the everlasting. I pray that you will continue to lead me, break me and tear me apart so my heart may satisfy your glory. For all the people who destroy and abuse me, forgive them my Lord but you are my rescuer and yours is the great revenge. Show them your mighty power, your anger and your hand. I pray that through your embrace, no one can ever touch me or stain me but by your grace, I truly stand forever still. I pray that one day on your most perfect time, you will complete my destiny and may your will be done in my life and in your time, make my heart ready. Make me faithful O God; Help me to be faithful, honest and true. Change my heart. Change my ways, change my mind. Change me O’ Lord that I may live as a living sacrifice to your throne, pleasing and acceptable to your satisfaction.
Now and Forever,