Thursday, September 23, 2010

No wonder why!

Yesterday, I was with my boyfriend. He threw news at my face and he told me that a rumor has spread throughout our former church that we already got married. He told me that his mom talked to one of their leaders and that leader told his mom that we have already engaged in matrimony. I just laughed and smiled coz I am already used to them throwing false stories on me, my boyfriend and my family. And I have nothing to prove coz no marriage really exists. Is this a kind of insult for me again? Is this the kind of blessing they would share to their members (former leaders)? Blessings of rumor, false stories and gossip? That if one leader or member is no longer attending then they will assume such stories? But I thought they are growing? I thought leaders have been attending trainings and seminars? Is this the kind of teaching they have been thought? What a shame. As much as I don’t want to commit sin again from their lousy mouths, unfortunately, I am again. So that’s why. No wonder why God has been punishing them, from lack of staff, poor finance from tithes and offering collections, less attendance, workers and leaders, members moving out and attending other churches, etc! No wonder!  I just pray they will realize what needs to be improved from their leadership and from their church standing. Remember? You thought me this: “Your kind of members will determine what kind of leader you are”. And from the hint of it, I’m beginning to track where the rumor came from. I don’t care anymore if what are they going to say next. I just do hope and pray that God won’t add their agony and distress from their lousy little mouths and dirty minds. Then you stand in front of the pulpit and preach? Lead worship? Lead prayer and intercession? Pray for greater blessing? Nah! You’re just wasting your time. Even if it really hurts, I really have to agree to one person about this: “Maybe the Holy Spirit has departed from your church because of your attitudes and you have been blind about it”. And I have to admit, there was a bit of disappointment again. I think my friends are right. So I may no longer sin with them by my side, I’ll find another church who can welcome me open arms without stabbing nor talking at my back anymore.
May God Bless them a hundred times fold!

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