Sunday, October 17, 2010

Iv'e got 12 basic things to say about me:

Iv'e got 12 basic things to say about me:

1. I'm not married nor engaged, single but never available cause I'm in a relationship (that's why it's complicated) ^^

2. I usually get even with people who do me wrong, but I still hold on to my patience as much as I can cause I only give people what is due to them.

3. I hate people who cannot be trusted. In short, plastic.

4. I bloody hate mistresses! and girls who are in the neighborhood of being a B****.

5. I'm that typical kind of person who is practical with sets of standards

6. I am a call center agent

7. I hate summer and I love the rainy season

8. I don't date and play around with different guys (sorry)

9. I dream to be a successful doctor someday

10. I love admiring Johnny Depp ^^ and I'm crazy about cats

11. I can easily be a friend and become close, but it's hard already when they want something personal from me. I simply hate people who don't know their boundaries!

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